Our services.


Evaluations and Eligibility

We help clients request and obtain free evaluation(s) of their child from the school district. We can then use the results of these evaluations to advocate for the child’s eligibility for special education services.


IEP Meetings, 504 Plan Meetings, and School Placement

Once a child has been diagnosed with a disability and found eligible for special education services, the next step is to have a meeting with the student’s teachers and school district representatives to create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a Section 504 Plan. We represent clients through the full IEP or 504 Plan process, including annual IEP or 504 Plan review meetings.

We similarly assist college and university students with disabilities in obtaining appropriate educational accommodations.


Mediation, Due Process, and Other Dispute Resolution Options

If a satisfactory agreement is not reached at the IEP meeting or 504 Plan meeting, the next step can be to request mediation, to move toward a due process hearing with the school district, to file a complaint with the Illinois State Board of Education, or to file a complaint with the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. We guide clients through the full process of any of these dispute resolution options, as appropriate.